You may find the resources below helpful to support your condition but the information contained must not be regarded as specific advice.
Online Exercise Options
Community Exercise Options in Edinburgh*
*Your physio or GP may also be able to refer you to other available programmes following physiotherapy assessment
Returning to Exercise After CoVid-19 Resources
- CoVid-19: The Road to Recovery
- BACME Post Viral Fatigue A Guide to Management May2020
- Conserving your energy – Practical advice for people during and after having COVID-19
- COVID-19 information booklet
Muscle, Bone and Joint Pains
- NHS Inform (injuries, exercises, specific conditions and painkiller information)
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy: Patient Information
- Sheffield Aches and Pains
- Osteoporosis
- NHS Live Well
Health Living & Lifestyle Resources
- ALISS: A Local Information System for Scotland (connecting you to services, groups and activities in your local area)
- Bereavement Support
- British Lung Foundation
- Care and Repair– Assisting those with disabilities
- Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland
- COPD: My Lungs My Life
- Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership
- Mens’ Shed
- NHS Exercise Advice
- NHS Food & Nutrition Advice
- NHS Live Well
- PAHA (Physical Activity and Health Alliance)
- Stopping Smoking
- Stroke Association
- Your Edinburgh
Pelvic Health Resources
- How to look after your pelvic floor (video)
- Pelvic Pain Support Network
- Vulval Pain Society
- Endometriosis UK
Carer Resources
- City of Edinburgh Council- Adults and Older People
- Social Care Direct
- Care Information Scotland
- VOCAL Edinburgh
Lymphoedema Resources
Or consider downloading an App to help you manage and improve your health from NHS Apps Library – NHS.
No responsibility can be accepted by NHS Lothian or any other health organisation for action or inaction as a result of information contained on this website. Information on this website is prepared in good faith and updated regularly. However, NHS Lothian cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information shown.